Occupational Therapy Information Sheets
3. Visuo-motor Integration[pdf]
5. Fine Motor Activities with Putty[pdf]
6. Adolescents Hand & Finger Strength[pdf]
7. Adolescents Hand & Finger Strength (2)[pdf]
8. Ideas to help develop Handwriting[pdf]
9. Hand & Upper Limb Strength[pdf]
12. Tying a Tie Instruction Sheet[pdf]
13. Letter Formation Worksheets[pdf]
14. Ideas to develop midline crossing[pdf]
15. Ideas to develop hand & arm strength[pdf]
16. Strategies to maximise concentration[pdf]
17. Strategies to maximise concentration[pdf]
18. Activities to develop bilateral integration[pdf]
19. Ideas to develop bilateral integration[pdf]
20. Tying shoelaces (Bunny Ears method)[pdf]
21. Proprioceptive Activities[pdf]
22. Organising Yourself (Age 11+)[pdf]
23. Ideas to improve attention & concentration[pdf]
24. Developing thumb & finger opposition[pdf]
25. Strategies to develop listening skills[pdf]
26. Helpful Hints - focus on self-esteem[pdf]
27. Ideas to develop body awareness[pdf]
28. Standard Tying Shoelaces worksheet[pdf]
29. Transition from Primary to Secondary School[pdf]
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